I offer one-to-one coaching packages, tailor made for each individual client.
We both decide whether we want to work with each other, because the evidence says that this “alliance” is the key factor in whether coaching can be effective. We would usually commit to a three or four month pilot programme then review.
I also offer coaching days, where I’m available for the whole day, and anyone in that organisation can book in for an hour-long session. Charities and businesses find this a cost-effective way to offer coaching as a benefit to a group of people, and a way to troubleshoot some issues before they turn into dissatisfaction or conflict.
These are some of the things people think and talk about:
what sort of leader do I want to be?
confidence (how do I come across in meetings or when speaking in public?)
priorities and time management (how do I decide what to say yes or no to?)
what or who is getting in the way of me doing my best work
time to reflect and learn about the latest thinking
Then there are the less defined issues:
something is not right, but I can’t put it into words yet
I know what I need to do, why don’t I get it done?
there’s more I could be doing, but I don’t know where to start
everyone looks at me and sees success, but I’m not sure about the price I’m paying

“Mary is a coach who encourages whilst challenging you, who helps you navigate through your own plans and goals, while leaving you entirely in control. All delivered with the natural warmth that draws so many to her”
– Country Manager, Not-For-Profit
“It’s helped so much at a difficult time. The coaching has been a real gift. I feel in quite a different place. It’s been a time for me to reflect on the issues at work, get a new perspective and some new learning. The Covid situation has improved while we’ve been working together, and going into the next phase I feel I’ve got a few more strings to my bow”
- Consultant Clinical Psychologist NHS
“Mary’s coaching helps me to shape my professional life in ways that make it exciting, focused and meaningful. I particularly value the example she sets through her professional practice which is intelligent, courageous and honest. I appreciate her deep knowledge of evidence-based literature and her skill in recommending reading material that I can engage with alongside our discussions”
– Mid-Career Academic