Team Coaching
Most of us know whether we’re in a team that’s working or not. But it can be difficult to make change happen if you’re stuck inside a dysfunctional one.
It won’t surprise you that I choose to deliver team coaching by working as part of a team myself, within a business called Teams and Leadership.
We spend a lot of time on the research about what makes teams great, and even longer on distilling that knowledge into bite-sized pieces and practical exercises.
Typically, however, we are called in because there is a problem – either with conflict or underperformance.
Effective teams:
Increase the “collective intelligence” of a business
Openly discuss mistakes that have been made (and we all make them!)
Ask about things they don’t understand.
Challenge ideas that most other team members seem to accept.
Discuss competing and conflicting ideas without individuals feeling criticized personally.
Raise issues that are bubbling under the surface, but no individual really wants to raise for fear of unsettling the team.

A 2018 survey of our clients found:
94% said the process was useful/very useful for identifying team strengths
93% said it was useful/very useful for improving team dynamics
If you’d like an idea of how this might work for your team, please get in touch with me.